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Hello & Welcome To The Inquirer!

Hey and Welcome to my new blog! In case you were wondering, yes , I am a graphic artist/designer and I am in no way shape or form a seasoned blogger, but I thought I would give this blogging thing a try and see how it goes from here. I'm all about honesty too so Im going to keep it real and skip to the point. This particular area of my site will be for the sole purpose of creating a respectable environment for other artists, whether they be musicians, rappers, painters, graphic designers, etc, it's all good! The goal of this blog will be to hopefully help other undiscovered artists develop a network amongst eachother in which all parties gain some form of profit, but What my main goal hear is to help undiscovered or starving artist get discovered, hone their skills, or maybe find some work.

Do I Allow Ads to be plastered Around the site?

HELL TO THE NO! or maybe to an extent...

I'll also create blog pages for artists whom I've chosen for artist of the week of which MAY have their personal banners or ads placed in there somewhere, but what I will not do is subject my viewers/readers/fans to look at a heaping slew of ads and crazy banners. Let's be honest. Everyone hates websites with hundreds and thousands of ads plastered all over the page and I don't want my website or blog to be "that page" with the heavy unmanaged ad addiction. Don't be discouraged though, I would be happy to place your banner or ad on my page so long as you are artist of the week or maybe bend the rules a little if you have any better or convincing reasons as to why I should allow your banners or ads on the site.

Most of you would disagree with the pic, hell I disagree somewhat but I do get what the message is trying to convey, so please take it into consideration when wanting me to post your ads. That's all I have for now. Until then, have a nice look at Satan getting his due punishment. Later!

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